Rishi Jobs Logo Design
About the Client:
Rishi Jobs is a recruiting agency focused on connecting employers with the best talent. With a commitment to excellence in recruitment, Rishi Jobs aims to facilitate successful matches between job seekers and employers.
Client Brief:
Rishi Jobs seeks a logo that incorporates a bull as their mascot, symbolising strength, determination, and success. The client desires a recruitment logo that prominently features the word "jobs" to convey the agency's focus on recruitment. Additionally, the colour scheme should include navy blue and white.
Our Vision & Logo Description:
In response to the client's brief, our vision for the Rishi Jobs logo is to create a design that immediately communicates the agency's focus on job placement. The logo prominently features a bold and dynamic bull as the mascot, representing strength and resilience in the recruitment process. The word "jobs" is integrated seamlessly into the design in navy blue, ensuring that it stands out prominently against the white background. The colour scheme of navy blue and white exudes professionalism and reliability, reflecting the agency's commitment to excellence. Overall, the logo embodies Rishi Jobs' dedication to connecting employers with top talent and facilitating successful career opportunities.