Four Pillars | Media Agency

It's not a no-brainer and definitely not rocket science; digital marketing is the game of perception, how you perceive things and act upon it.

Digital Marketing myths you need to burst right away!

1. Digital Marketing hurts your pocket.

Before talking about the digital marketing part, let's talk about how, on the contrary, avoiding certain marketing strategies can turn out expensive for you. Without marketing, your company's vision is as good as Horse's vision, going in one monotonous direction, not right,  not left. Aimlessly straight, but a proper marketing strategy can widen your vision and help you expand effectively and efficiently, so, in our opinion, spending money on marketing makes more sense rather than pulling bricks out of the wall, one by one, it will either get boring or it will collapse, same difference.

2. Digital Marketing = Instant Results

No, that is so not true! Just because we have put our lives online, we naturally think that marketing should bring us growth and profit in a few days. If it doesn’t, we must be doing something wrong, right? Wrong, nada, zilch!

The whole purpose of marketing is growth, consistency, appearance and value creation. Even if you try out some new digital marketing strategies, you need to patiently wait for them to settle in, you cannot become impatient and change your marketing plans as you change your clothes, it's not how marketing works, it's like a tree or a plant, once sown, you need to keep watering and give all the elementary things it deserves, only then you will be able to feel its soul.

3. You don't need a content strategy or proper theme to follow.

While marketing is important, how you carry out your digital marketing strategies is equally important.

Let's say, for example, there's an elegant and expensive neckpiece that is poorly put and photographed on a semi-cleaned table with absurd angles and almost horrible lights and then there's the same neckpiece, professionally photographed with aesthetic flat lays and then designed to perfection. Which one would impress you better? The latter, right? Us too! The strategies, the analysis and the execution, everything all together make a perfect marketing plan.


All in all, when you focus on the good, the good gets better!

marketing, digital marketing or SEO digital marketinAll you need to do is figure out how to let the content and strategies flow and, in a nutshell, traditionalg, everything is worth your time and money.



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