What is "Moment Marketing"?
Once in a while, there comes a robust of a trend, event, controversy, or situation that becomes the talk of the town. Making use of such trendy events to one's own benefit and efficiently marketing one's own product in that particular frame of time is called "Moment Marketing." The trick is to be real quick, relevant, and relatable.
Moment Marketing guide for beginners!
1. Now or Never
The art of "Moment Marketing" is all about timing. When a topic is hot, you must act on it. People feel more comfortable commenting on and reacting to a topic when it's trending. If you discuss it after that, it may be too late because the market will be saturated with content on that specific topic and it will no longer be of interest to your audience. Therefore, act quickly or remain silent indefinitely.
2. Place your product in the limelight
It is best not to get carried away by the thrill of Moment Marketing; instead, focus on the central objective, which is marketing your product. Each creative you create should reflect your brand's personality. Your target audience must be able to relate your product with the crux of Moment Marketing.
3. Be unique by being you!
The goal is to win the hearts and minds of your audience, not just make the headlines! Make memes, campaigns, posts, or do contests; have as much fun as you can. Keep your audience engaged, but don’t lose the touch your brand’s personality. Be as creative, innovative, and unique as possible while conveying your brand's message!
4. Get sales
Moment Marketing is a low-cost and low-effort way to create a big hoo haa around your brand. If done in the right way, it can create a big buzz around your brand and boost your sales. Therefore, you must use Moment Marketing wisely to not only create a brand identity or engage with the audience but also to increase sales.
With these basic Moment Marketing tips and tricks, you can be confident that you will easily ace any upcoming hot moments that come your way! Moment marketing is all about having fun and making the most of a moment while being witty, apt, humorous, and most importantly, Be You!